Thoughts Like the Ocean

Deep, that is.

… get it? Cause the ocean’s deep? Eh, lame metaphor, I know.

Anyway, I have these days where I get really introspective and stuff. What the heck? Maybe it’s the weather, I don’t know. Do you ever have those days? You know, the ones where you can’t get out of your head, the ones where you walk around feeling like everything has some special meaning and you can figure it out if you just meditate on it long enough? I kind of like those days. They seem to come to me a lot about this time of year. Maybe that’s what cloudy, rainy, melancholy days are for. The kind where you know spring is almost here, but you’re groaning inside because technically it’s still winter.

The skies spill their tears, bidding a bittersweet adieu to winter, while the bare limbs sprout buds and the tulips and daffodils fight their little green selves out of the still-frozen earth. Homemakers around the world shove their kids out the door to play while they indulge some seventh sense that says it’s time to give the house a deep-clean. The neighborhood streets start to become alive with friendly “hellos” and “how bout this warmer weathers.” Walkers crowd the sidewalks boasting their new shoes, trying to work off the “winter weight.” Gardeners sow their seeds, nature waters them. School kids start dreaming of summer and the first day they can go to the pool.

It is good.

Happy (almost) spring, my friends…

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